Thursday 20 December 2012

Pre production/ assignment work update so far:

so this morning I sat down and continued work on my pre production, updating it with designs I have been working on and annotating them.

As of yet I haven't started on flash actually getting code for my website and thinking of ideas on how the website could look / run but right now I think I'm going to go with the multi swf approach and have a website like that, this could be a good idea as we learnt it a couple of days ago and then I could use that basic design and add make it more suited to the film I have chosen and hopefully make a mockup site for the page by tomorrow I'm hoping.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

spiderman page maybe?

So I spent a bit of time on photoshop making a kind of design, possibly for one of the pages, I'm thinking I might use this design for the downloads page and on the outer part of the picture have thumbnails for the downloads.

anyway here's the picture:

Friday 14 December 2012

JOHN (character for the game I am making in glbasic)

So today we started coming up with ideas for characters and making a character design for the main character in the game, so I made a design and my character will be called 'JOHN'.

as you can see he doesn't have arms that attach, kind of a thing relating to rayman and also the fact that it will be easier to animate, and he also has no legs. He has a fancy suit that reminds me of Agent 47 (hitman) with the red tie and all, and although it may look like he has one eye then don't worry he does have two, you just can't see the other eye.

Friday 7 December 2012

Fancy spiderman button:

Today we learnt a little more in flash this time with some buttons, and in this button it involved some awesome transitions using the classic tweens to make the image rotate into the border and zoom a little bit but the code we used was this:

onEnterFrame = function(){
if (bob.hitTest(_xmouse,_ymouse,true))



the instance name for it was bob again it does not have to be bob I just like having random instance names that are easy to remember/type out into flash.

the image above is what it looks like before you hover over the image, and actually in the swf, it zooms out and rotates a bit so you can see more of Spiderman

Copyright and intellectual Copyright, privacy and contracts

What is Copyright?
Copyright is something that protects something that you or somebody else has made, and as soon as something has been made it is automatically copyrighted with or without the c logo, examples of things that could be copyrighted are, writing, music, pictures, videos, films etc.

Copyright doesn't last forever, copyright lasts for as long as the person who has made it is alive and another 70 years at the end of the persons life, and when the copyright runs out, it goes to the public domain meaning anyone can copyright it themselves and call it their own.

what are the three moral rights?
The three moral rights are;

  1. The right of attribution
  2. The right of integrity
  3. False attribution
The right of attribution:
this is all to do with the creator of the work, making sure they are 'identified' this could be done by quoting them and adding in the persons name to who has posted the information, or a link to where you got the information from.

This moral right can also affect peoples work or blogs such as mine as I need to make sure that i'm mentioning the author so I am not plagiarizing somebody's work. But this is not just in writing this could also be through videos as well because it is their information or work that the author has posted and I need to make sure that the person who has made this is identified as the author of the video.

The right of integrity:
the right of integrity is about how somebody's work cannot be changed or modified with out their permission
however this does not apply to everything, basically the author can decide whether or not people can change or modify something they have made, a good example for this would be some video games such as Minecraft where they are very community based allowing people to modify the game to add more to it.

Then another part of this moral right is to do with deep linking, this is when you add a link to a different page and this could be to a specific post instead of the actual homepage, and this also can be to do with using parts from other websites in yours for example using a picture that's the exact same on another website and when the picture changes on that site it will also change on your website.

False attribution:
This final right is about making sure you don't say that your work is somebody elses work

How might copyright affect you and your work with interactive media?
Copyright with my work could affect it as I may not be able to use images/videos because of copyright and this could also affect the music that I use,

what does 'intellectual property' mean?
Intellectual property is someones original work and the work has also been made in a certain way such as on paper so that they actually own it as if it is physical property and this can be bought, sold, hired  and there are different types of IP(intellectual property);

  • patent
  • designs
  • trademarks
  • Copyright

What does creative commons do?
creative commons means some rights reserved whereas copyright means all rights reserved, so CC means that you are able to use the image but you need to make sure that you quote the author and post a link to the website, and authors using CC let other people use their image and change it to what they want it to be like.

How can you use an image from Creative Commons in your blog correctly?
you can use a CC image in your blog correctly by making sure you show who the author is and by saying its a CC picture and that some rights are reserved.

Privacy/Internet privacy:
People wonder what should be in the public interest and what shouldn't be in the public interest, whether or not it is good to publish stories or if it would be a bad idea for example if the government knew about something that was going to happen, would they hide it from the public to stop a mass panic?

However what if something about you would be posted all over the internet, that would invade your privacy, and should you be able to decide what should and should not be public, and since Facebook came out there have been crimes that have happened that have invaded peoples privacy.

here is the link to some crimes that have happened because of privacy issues and Facebook(my friend dan given me this link):

another link:

but there are more examples in magazines with celebrities and things like affairs with other people and people will think about if its right to publish a story like that.

but with privacy issues a good example would be wiki leaks, governments were saying that its a bad thing but wikileaks are showing people what the government wont, the government could come up with excuses about how it needs to stay private and how they can't publish it, but if a newspaper gets the story do they have the right to publish it.

another good example would be with 'star wars kid' and how the internet was actually more responsible than newspapers, because the wikipedia page didn't actually publish his name, whereas the newspapers actually put his name in the story, so another part of privacy for this case is that he should be able to choose what is kept from the punlic.

The pro's and cons of 'Internet piracy':

There are different views about internet piracy, there are people who are against it and think that it is hurting the industry and just the people who actually do it, there are also views and opinions all over the internet about how piracy is good or bad.

The pro's of internet piracy:

This is a good link to look at about why video piracy could be considered as good:

In the link above there's facts about what someone has done after pirating a game, but people might pirate one game and actually buy the squeal or even go out and buy it it's the same with movies on how someone could use piracy for a lower quality version and they could decide to actually go out and buy the actual film for maybe the blu ray version just to have a better quality version of the film.

So although most people think that internet piracy is wrong and bad for industries such as the gaming industry, but actually there aren't any facts or statistics backing up the fact that the gaming industry is losing money from internet piracy, another kind of thing similar to this would be the fact that if people download certain things like softwares and games for free that it could help with advertising and spreading the word of the company who have made that product.

Piracy is basically like lending a friend a game or a film to watch, they can watch it for free and movie companies won't earn any money from it, so how is that any different from P2P file sharing except it's done over the internet and all over the world instead of one of your close friends.

The cons of internet piracy:
the one major con of internet piracy is the fact that it is illegal for people to use P2P file share, it is also considered as theft and how industries are dying because of internet piracy, industries and companies lose money because of internet piracy as well, but on the other hand in the video game industry it's not actually making them lose money.

A contract is a legally binding agreement between 2 people, and you can get a contract from pretty much anything e.g. when you get a job, you could get a contract for what you have to do, and also it could be what you have to agree with to certain things you will and will not do.

there is also a type of contract which is a 'disclosure agreement' and this is an agreement where you aren't allowed to tell the public about something you are doing, a perfect example for this kind of agreement is when infinity ward work on a new call of duty game, the employees aren't allowed to leak the game or spread any information about it, so they have to keep it a secret, and that is a type of disclosure agreement.

and when a contract is broken the person who has broken the contract can be sued for not following the contract, or there could be an agreement in the contract to what will happen if you break the contract, so being sued could be just one of the things that could happen.

Ofcom and BIMA:

Ofcom is the "Independent regulator and competition authorityfor the UK communications industries"

Ofcom make sure that people in the uk get the best in their communications services, and to also make sure that people don't get scammed, Ofcom is mainly responsible for tv and radio waves, communications and services, they also do and do not do certain things, so you can see what they're responsible for

here is a link about Ofcom, it has information about who Ofcom is and also what they do and do not do:


BIMA is the British Interactive Media Association, they help support the british digital indutry, they also represent the british interactive media industry, they are only local in the UK at the moment but they are always expanding, and changing its 'activities' to help represent the needs for its members, you can join BIMA and become a member of it.

Thursday 6 December 2012

Multi swf

So this afternoon Julian taught us how to do a 'Multi swf' It's actually pretty simple it was using multiple .fla files and publishing them into .swf's to put them into on page known as the 'background' so basically with all of these separate .swf files they would all load into the background using this code:


but then on the nav file it had more code which would load the other files into it so the nav file acted as a database with all the code in whereas the background was just the loader of the code.

here is the code that was used in the nav file:

gary.onPress = function (){


gary2.onPress = function (){


gary3.onPress = function (){


gary4.onPress = function (){


gary5.onPress = function (){



all of the separate pages were in different files, the gary, gary 2 and such were just names for the instances obviously they could be called anything it's just I decided gary would be fine for this, here is also what the multi swf folder looked like so you can see what the background would load(all of the swf files into 1 .swf)

with the final part though on the background we had to make sure we published all the files before we finally published the background otherwise the other parts wouldn't be updated.